Based on the success and feedback from the previous workshop ("Introduction to R"), Statistical Solutions Inc. organizes a sequence of four hands-on R Studio workshops for those who are looking to use R for applied statistical tasks.
Topics include “Data Visualizations using ggplot2”, “basic/intermediate statistical inferential tests” (e.g., t-tests, correlation, simple and multiple regression, and ANOVA), and “advanced statistical inferential tests” (e.g., ANCOVA, MANCOVA, logistic regression, HLM, meta-analysis, SEM, and propensity score analysis, social network analysis).
Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D (Associate professor of Statistics, University at Albany) will deliver all the workshops through Zoom. Participants may join synchronously (real time) or asynchronously (delayed/recorded). Annotated R code together with the data sets, and detailed content slides will be shared.
$200 for one R workshop, with a discount of $25 for each additional workshop. For instance, if you sign up for the 4 workshops, you get a discount of $150 ($200 + $175 + $150 + $125). For registration, email Space is limited to 15 participants to provide opportunities for individualized interactions.
Overview Workshops
Workshop 1. This first R workshop is focusing on basic and intermediate inferential statistical techniques.

Workshop title: “Inferential Statistical Analysis Techniques using R”
Date: February 12, 11AM-3PM EST
– Estimating parameters of a population using sample statistics
– Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals
– Correlation (Pearson’s, Point biserial, Phi coefficient, Kendall’s rank)
– Simple and multiple univariate linear regression
– One sample T test and related (paired) T test
– Independent Two Sample T test
Workshop 2. This second workshop is organized to introduce the use of R to run advanced data analysis techniques. Four advanced data analysis techniques will be discussed (one hour will be devoted to each of the techniques).
Workshop title: “Advanced Inferential Statistical Analysis Techniques using R – Part 1”
Date: February 19, 11AM-3PM EST
– Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), Multivariate analysis of variance (MANCOVA)
– Multivariate linear regression
– Logistic Regression
– Hierarchical Linear Modeling

Workshop 3. A third workshop is organized to introduce the use of R to run advanced data analysis techniques. Four advanced data analysis techniques will be discussed (one hour will be devoted to each of the techniques).
Workshop title: “Advanced Inferential Statistical Analysis Techniques using R – Part 2”
Date: February 26, 11AM-3PM EST

– Meta-Analysis
– Social Network Analysis
– Propensity Score Analysis
– Structural Equation Modeling
Workshop 4. Data visualization is the quickest and most powerful technique to understand new and existing information. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) through visualizations marks the starting point of each data science project. The graphs produced during the EDA can inform which data analytic technique is best suitable. The data visualization can help communicating data science findings.

This workshop will guide you how to think about good data visualization. Through a series of worked out examples, you will learn how to use ggplot to make graph s piece by piece. The emphasis throughout is on acquiring a practical feel for and good judgement about the way ggplot can be used, from the simplest cases to sophisticated, highly customized data visualizations.
Workshop title: “Data Visualization using R ”
Date: March 5, 11AM-3PM EST
- To understand the basic principles behind effective data visualizations, and how
they are implemented in R and ggplot.
- Learn how to use ggplot to make graphs piece by piece
- Become confident and fluent using ggplot, in order to make, refine, and effectively
present good data visualizations.