Mariola Moeyaert, president of Statistical Solutions Inc., is very excited to provide hands-on exposure to the process involved in conducting a Meta-Analysis. Take advantage to this unique opportunity as Mariola Moeyaert has been published nearly 50 international peer reviewed research studies related to this topic.
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Short Description Workshop
This workshop provides hands-on exposure to the process involved in conducting a meta-analysis from the planning stage, through the selection of appropriate statistical techniques, through the issues involved in analyzing data, to the interpretation of results. During the workshop, participants will learn how to calculate various kinds of effect sizes and to use them to conduct and make appropriate inferences from meta-analyses. Examples and case studies from the social sciences will be integrated into the discussions and lectures.Break up your post into sections so it's easy for your visitors to read and follow along.
“Meta-Analysis contributes to evidence based theory, practice and policy”
Importance of Meta-Analysis
Meta-analysis is used to combine evidence across different research studies; integrate multiple studies into a single statistical framework; yield more precise estimates of effect sizes; allow for unique treatment comparisons; explain differences arising from conflicting study results; and identify areas for future research. Meta-analytic methods are employed in a diverse array of disciplines across the social, behavioral, health, medical, and agricultural sciences.
“Decisions in practice and policy should be based on scientific research about the effects of these decisions/interventions".
Meta-analysis is a powerful statistical analysis technique that serves this purpose.